
DiscoverEE For Component Manufacturers

DiscoverEE For Hardware/System Manufacturers

DiscoverEE For Distributors

DiscoverEE For Component Manufacturers

You Design, Manufacture and Market Leading Components
We help You Visualize The Entire Product Landscape
By Creating A Standardized Product Database For Your Components
So You Can Quickly Identify Market Opportunities, Design Leading Products and Grow Your Business

Watch our 2-minute explainer video to find out how DiscoverEE can help you

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Customer Testimonials

"DiscoverEE provides visual analysis of Power MOSFET landscape of over 25,000 products using their easy to use industry specific dashboards. My product marketing team and I have been using DiscoverEE for over two years. We are very satisfied since it provides us product and market insights while saving us valuable time."

Stéphane Ernoux
Senior Marketing Director
Infineon Technologies