
Cross-Reference Search

Your search for cross-references ends here!


DiscoverEE provides the world’s best cross-referencing service at your fingertips. You know why? Simply because we maintain the world’s most detailed product specification database.


Finding cross-references is no easy task. And finding the right one for your application can take hours and of searching…if you are lucky. Taking Power Mosfet’s as an example, there are 30+ manufacturers of Power Mosfet in the market with tens of thousands of products already in the market and hundreds of new products released every month (well, many are also taken off from the shelves so we factor that information in our cross-referencing algorithms). And then each of these Mosfet comes with different package dimensions and electrical specifications which are often in hundreds. Our database stores over 300 data points for each of the product and our cross-referencing algorithms ensure that no matter what your requirements are, if a similar product exists, we will find it for you.


Here’s how we recommend the best cross-references:

  1. You enter the part number
  2. We run the part number against DiscoverEE’s product specification database
  3. We find out the product, package, configuration, qualification, promotion status, mechanical dimensions and electrical dimensions
  4. Our algorithms then searches for parts that have the closest specifications
  5. We give you the list of part numbers that match the criteria
  6. We provide application specific cross-reference results such as in our Power Loss Dashboard
  7. We customize our algorithms for our premium customers to match their specific criteria


And, if you do rely on other sources of your cross-referencing needs, make sure that they have the data to back up their claims. Some cross-referencing services from manufacturers simply provide part numbers which are often older matches or used very simplistic criteria to come with an alternative part number.


At DiscoverEE, along with the cross-reference search result (which can be customized) we provide you a side-by-side datasheet and package comparison so you have all the information in one place when you are looking for appropriate cross-references.

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